Normally, I'm very good with executing and navigating my plans. But as it has been many times before, my plans don’t always fall in line with God's plan! On this occasion, it was meant for me to experience, witness and encounter a "Life Study"!
On this particular evening…as I walked from corner to corner at “Art Walk”, I studied and observed the happenings on each corner as they drew crowds of interest. The actions of each corner were commanding and controlling the attention of the bystanders and those passing by...
There were African-Americans, Asians, Caucasians, Latinos and some many more…it was a melting pot of many on each corner. Yes, I too, stood on the street corner and traveled from street corner to street corner, in awe of although in the middle of such a magnitude of diversity…there was a beauty of harmony with it all.
Yes…altogether, we were hanging out on the street corners, but there was no banging, no dealing and no thuggin‘ going on; no cussing, no stealing, no hustling and no killing; and no beating, slapping and tricking did I see. Instead…there was the beauty of the beat...the tapping of the feet, the twirling and flipping of the body on the ground and the melodious singing and sweet rhythm of the rapping sounds.
There was a rainbow of ethnicities…fashion, food, jewels and jams from modern to old school grooves; and seasoned fellows seated in deep thought before making their next chess piece move.
Some may have seen it all as chaos, but my life study perceptions saw it as a chance of hope…an array of possibilities of good news! If only for one night...a city united on the street corners with different beats but under one groove!!! Yes, one nation under a groove...could it all be…or is it just a false hope…an impossible dream...??? But wait...that's how the reality of it all starts…with a vision...with a dream...
Oh my, what a prophetic, powerful and promising life study...! Thank You, God for the vision…the dream…this life study of many different beats under one groove! Yes…I have hopes of our nation of many beats under one groove…!